How to Get Involved in Catholic Scouting

Scouting: A Catholic Youth Ministry

Ministering to young people is a vital aspect of the Catholic Church’s life and mission. In their pastoral framework on youth ministry, the U.S. Bishops state: “Ministry with adolescents (is) a concern for the entire church community…”  Over the years, the Catholic youth ministry community and scouting programs have enjoyed a shared mission and a collaborative relationship, one that continues to this day.

Are you a Scout leader interested in supporting this Catholic Youth Ministry? Here are the next steps you should take to get involved:

  • Send an email to the Chair at Let them know your interest, church involvement, and Scouting leadership history (at least 2 years worth);
  • Obtain a letter of support from your pastor, if you want to volunteer for one of the committee positions described below;
  • Review the Safe Environment for Adult Volunteer information HERE, and register for the Safe Haven training HERE;


Committee Position Descriptions


The Diocesan Chair works to provide the best possible climate for Scouting in the diocese. Communicates and collaborates with the diocesan chaplain in the fulfillment of the duties of the office. Schedules regular meetings of the diocesan committee to review progress of current programs as well as to present new information. Is responsible for reports, records and procedures of the diocesan Catholic committee. Represent the diocese at national council business meetings and at regional meetings as a voting member.


The Diocesan Vice-Chair keeps in contact with all chartered organization representatives of Catholic organizations in your area of responsibility using the Scouting program on a scheduled basis to: invite them to participate as active members of the Catholic committee and brief them on the job responsibilities and expectations of a chartered organization representative. Prepares the committee operating budget and give leadership in developing possible areas of funding.

Training Chair

The Training Chair schedules, promotes, and conducts National Catholic Leadership Development training for adult leaders of Catholic faith in Scouting – giving special emphasis to unit leaders, den leaders, religious emblems counselors, chartered organization representatives, and Scouters at unit, district, and council levels. Assist scheduling, promotion and conducting special vocational and orientation workshops for Catholic leaders in Scouting. Be familiar with and make effective use of reference materials available from national committees.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair works with and through the Catholic committee to promote, extend, and strengthen Scouting in Catholic-chartered organizations. Maintain records to show the extent of Catholic participation in Scouting and potential chartered organizations within the area of committee responsibility. Be familiar with and use national committee membership materials and programs. Establish and maintain frequent communications with newly organized units/troops.

Religious Emblems Chair

Develop and maintain a viable religious emblems program that provides every Catholic youth in Scouting a religious educational experience in support of the total Christian formation program of the church. Promote the spiritual phase of Scouting to ensure that every youth in the program has the opportunity to become more aware of God’s presence in his/her daily life. Encourage participation by Catholic youths in the religious emblems programs including those in units not chartered by Catholic organizations.

Religious Activities Chair

Develop, schedule, and carry out programs of religious activities that will provide every youth in Catholic Scouting with a personal religious experience combining the basic values inherent in Scouting and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Build relationships with diocesan and parish youth ministers to aid and coordinate Scout participation in diocesan events. Initiate and give leadership in promoting an annual retreat for adults in the Scouting apostolate.

Communications Chair

Develop networking and computing tools for committee publicity and communication. Prepare and publish the annual Catholic committee calendar of events under the direction of the chairman and in collaboration with other committee members. Keep local council personnel informed of Catholic Scouting activities. Work with and through
chartered organizations to encourage each unit to recruit a unit publicist who regularly submits items of interest for dissemination through parish bulletins and other media.

Vocations Chair

Develop, schedule, and carry out Church Vocation discernment programs activities that will provide every youth in Catholic Scouting with a personal religious experience combining the basic values inherent in Scouting and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Build relationships with the diocesan youth ministry office, vocation director, religious communities, Serra Clubs and Knight of Columbus and parish vocation committees to aid and coordinate Scout participation in diocesan and parish events.

Sub-Committee Member

There are various sub-committees including but not limited to: