Here are some shortcuts and answers to the questions asked most often of the committee! Don't see an answer for what you're looking for? Send a quick email to scouting@scd.org!!
- When's the next award retreat for Ad Altare Dei / Mary the First Disciple? That info's HERE!
- Where do I buy the workbooks for awards? Check out the page HERE
- How do I order an award for my child? The order form is online HERE
- Now that I have the award, how do we present it? There's some options listed HERE
- Where's the nomination forms for adult awards? In the Resource links on THIS page
- What do I need to know to be an award Counselor? We have an online orientation HERE!
- I'm a new Charter Org Rep. What am I responsible for? Visit the page HERE
- Where can I find out about Safe Environment and Safe Haven training? That info's HERE
- How do I start a Scout unit in my home parish? The page HERE has the steps to take!
- Does the CCS only support awards? NOPE!!! Check out our active calendar of events HERE!!
Have fun Scouting with your Catholic youth!!