
Pastors and parish pastoral councils are currently reviewing and studying the Holy Father’s action plan
Catholic Herald Magazine

Herman, environmental justice advocate, coordinates diocese's action plan on Laudato Si'
Catholic Herald Magazine

Parishioners put caring into the environment into action
Catholic Herald Magazine

The body of bishops also elected new chairmen of seven standing committees

25 percent of the funds collected in diocese fund local anti-poverty projects
Catholic Campaign for Human Development

There is still much to be proud of and thankful for.
California Catholic Conference

I urge all of us to be the persistently joyful messengers of the gospel of life.
Catholic Herald Magazine

The pro-life community will continue doing what we always do—accompanying women and families in their most difficult moments with life-affirming resources and support.
California Catholic Conference

The faithful are encouraged during this week to renew their prayerful support for those currently discerning a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate, or consecrated life.

The theme is 'Hallmarks of a Welcoming Church: A Holy Church," with a gracious spirit of humility, gratitude and stewardship
Catholic Herald Magazine, Catholic Charities and Social Concerns