Mark Kristy, O.C.D.
Status: Removed from ministry. Prosecuted for child molestation and received one-year jail sentence in 2022. Currently living in Napa County.
Diocesan Response: After receiving allegations in 2015, the diocese reported the matter to law enforcement and cooperated with Placer County authorities in their response, which ultimately resulted in the perpetrator’s prosecution.
Year and Place of Birth: 1952, USA
Seminary Attended: Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley CA
Date Ordained / Connection to Diocese: Unknown ordination date, Priest of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers religious order.
Assignments in Diocese of Sacramento
- Never had an assignment in the Diocese of Sacramento – abusive conduct occurred on visits to this region.
Reporting Victims
Date range of alleged abuse: 2001-2004
Female, under the age of 14
- Nature of accusation(s): Sexual touching and exposure of genitals
- Year reported to diocese: 2015