This page provides forms required for marriage preparation, whether the marriage is taking place within the Diocese of Sacramento or outside the diocese. For all questions regarding marriage preparation programs and the diocesan marriage preparation policy, please contact the Office of Family and Faith Formation: 916-733-0123.
About Marriage Testimonials (Litterae Testimoniales)
When a couple is being married outside the Diocese of Sacramento, the following materials are required to be submitted to the Tribunal from the parish where the couple is being prepared.
Use this Marriage Testimonial Submission Form when submitting the packet to the Tribunal:
On behalf of the GROOM:
- Pre-Marriage Testimony (Form A) (must be original, signed document)
- Pre-Nuptial Witness Testimony (Form B), from two witnesses (must be original, signed documents)
- Catholic Baptismal Certificate (must be an original, signed document, issued within six months and include notations) OR Reception into Full Communion Certificate
- Catholic Confirmation Certificate, if not noted on the baptismal certificate (must be an original document)
- Dispensation (if needed on behalf of Catholic party) (must be the original dispensation document)
- Marriage Nullity Decree(s), if applicable (certified copy)
On behalf of the BRIDE:
- Pre-Marriage Testimony (Form A) (must be original, signed document)
- Pre-Nuptial Witness Testimony (Form B), from two witnesses (must be original, signed documents)
- Catholic Baptismal Certificate (must be an original, signed document, issued within six months and include notations) OR Reception into Full Communion Certificate
- Catholic Confirmation Certificate, if not noted on the baptismal certificate (must be an original document)
- Dispensation (if needed on behalf of Catholic party) (must be the original dispensation document)
- Marriage Nullity Decree(s), if applicable (certified copy)
On behalf of BOTH PARTIES:
- Letter of Permission to Marry (signed by the pastor or parochial administrator) Click here to see sample.
- Certificate of Completion of Marriage Preparation (one of these)
- Parish-based
- Engaged Encounter
- CatholicMarriagePrep.com
- Certificate of Completion of Premarital Assessment or Inventory (one of these)
- Prepare/Enrich
- Fully Engaged
- Certificate of Completion of Natural Family Planning (NFP) introductory course
- Civil Marriage Certificate, original certified copy (if already married civilly)
Only original, signed documents are accepted. The Tribunal verifies the materials submitted and sends them to the diocese where the marriage will take place. Parishes receive a bill for shipping fees (DHL Global Express to other countries, USPS Priority Mail within the U.S.).
For marriages occurring outside the Diocese of Sacramento but within the United States, submit the required paperwork to the Tribunal at least four (4) weeks prior to the wedding. Paperwork for weddings in Hawai'i must be submitted to the Tribunal four months in advance; the Diocese of Honolulu requires paperwork three (3) months before the wedding.
For marriages occurring outside the United States, submit the required paperwork to the Tribunal at least eight (8) weeks prior to the wedding.
Incomplete packets are returned to the parish submitting them. The Tribunal is not responsible for any delays in sending packets to dioceses when materials are incomplete or missing.
Form A: Pre-Marriage Testimony for Bride/Groom
Form B: Pre-Nuptial Witness Testimony (two are required each for the groom and the bride)
- Download: Instructions for Form B
- English: PDF
- Spanish: PDF
Delegation for Priest/Deacon to Officiate Wedding
Matrimonial Dispensations and Permissions
Only a priest or deacon may submit a Dispensation/Permission request to the Tribunal.
- English: PDF