Recommendations from Bishop Soto to Deaneries & Parishes for the Eucharistic Revival
To submit information for your parish event to be published on our website and facebook, please use this form: https://catholic.formstack.com/forms/erevent (For questions contact Julie Sly: jsly@faithcatholic.com)
On this page you will find resources for your parish to use for the Eucharistic Revival.
- The Parish Leaders Guide in English and Spanish from the USCCB ER website - https://www.eucharisticrevival.org/leaders-playbook
- Printable and Web images on the left such as the ER Banner in English and Spanish, Pamphlet, and Prayer Cards
- Invitation to a monthly Parish ER Contact Support Gathering on Zoom - 1st Thursday of each month at Noon Sept 7, Oct 12, Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 4
- Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87914020301 By Phone: 669-900-6833 - Meeting ID: 879 1402 0301 - Passcode: 398354
- Link to website to buy t-shirts, coffee mugs and other SWAG - https://dioceseofsacramento.creator-spring.com/
The following videos were produced by the Diocese of Sacramento as a resource for all regarding the Eucharistic Revival
Encountering Christ
Works of Charity
A Welcoming Church
National Congress and Beyond