Parish Planning
It is recommended that Parishes engage Parish Pastoral Councils, Staff and Leadership in discernment through small group listening sessions on the Eucharist sometime in Spring 2023, to plan for the parish year (June 2023 - June 2024) of the Eucharistic Revival.
A Parish Process for Eucharistic Revival: This resource is from the Pentecost Vigil Project and the Pastoral Center. It is four session synodal process to help parishes involve others in planning. The resource includes the following:
Presentation slides and leader talking points
Guides for small group discussion and note taker.
Personal notes page, resource list, and tent cards for participants.
Tools for promotion and facilitating the process.
USCCB Leaders Playbook: This is provided from the USCCB. It will cover the following topics:
PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS: Bring your people to Jesus.
REINVIGORATING DEVOTION: Receive Jesus. Worship Jesus.
DEEPENING FORMATION: Learn and preach the truth about Jesus.
MISSIONARY SENDING: Go out and bring Jesus to the world.
Eucharistic Revival Planning Resource: This is also offered through the Pastoral Center. It is a kit with templates to follow for planning. Included are resources for:
Teaching Masses
Eucharistic Learning Events
Bible Studies on Eucharist
Lens of Dismissal
More Eucharistic Revival Books
Eucharistic Spirituality of the Priest: From the McGrath Institute for Church Life and the University of Notre Dame
Eucharistic Revival Activities
Invite parishioners to participate in Eucharistic Revival National, Diocesan, Deanery, and Parish activities by advertising in bulletins, websites and social media, as well as mass announcements.
10th National Eucharistic Congress - July 17-21, 2024 Indianapolis, IN