Annual Parish Financial Report

Annual Parish Financial Report (APFR)
Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

If you have any questions regarding the preparation of the enclosed Annual Parish Financial Report, please contact Antonette Agustin or Ron Hamilton, our Parish Financial Services Coordinators.


  1. Part 1
  2. A backup of the Parish QuickBooks file OR Parts 2 and 3 completed
  3. Addendum A
  4. Addendum B
  5. Signed Transmittal Letter

Includes questions relating to the parish's plant, real property holdings, and construction\renovation needs and plans.

(Note: Part 2 & 3 excel not required if you submit a backup of the parish QuickBooks file)

If using QuickBooks desktop: backup QuickBooks File onto a thumb drive, or send via secure file transfer. Also provide username and password.

If using QuickBooks online: provide username and password

If not submitting QuickBooks then complete:

  • Part 2: Annual Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.
  • Part 3: Supplemental Information - Includes beginning and ending account balances for each of the parish’s cash accounts, loans, and other investments; and information regarding parish staff, including annual wages.
  • And please also printout (1) the Profit & Loss Statement run for fiscal year 2023-24, cash basis and (2) Balance Sheet: as of June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023. Guidance/instructions are here:

Membership (Important – for retired members, please provide their former occupation)