Annual Parish Financial Report (APFR)
Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
If you have any questions regarding the preparation of the enclosed Annual Parish Financial Report, please contact Antonette Agustin or Ron Hamilton, our Parish Financial Services Coordinators.
- Part 1
- A backup of the Parish QuickBooks file OR Parts 2 and 3 completed
- Addendum A
- Addendum B
- Signed Transmittal Letter
Includes questions relating to the parish's plant, real property holdings, and construction\renovation needs and plans.
(Note: Part 2 & 3 excel not required if you submit a backup of the parish QuickBooks file)
If using QuickBooks desktop: backup QuickBooks File onto a thumb drive, or send via secure file transfer. Also provide username and password.
If using QuickBooks online: provide username and password
If not submitting QuickBooks then complete:
- Part 2: Annual Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements.
- Part 3: Supplemental Information - Includes beginning and ending account balances for each of the parish’s cash accounts, loans, and other investments; and information regarding parish staff, including annual wages.
- And please also printout (1) the Profit & Loss Statement run for fiscal year 2023-24, cash basis and (2) Balance Sheet: as of June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023. Guidance/instructions are here:
Membership (Important – for retired members, please provide their former occupation)