There are many agencies which can supply materials to help you learn about the ecumenical movement and about personnel involved in the movement. Your own church’s regional, judicatory or national ecumenical officer or ecumenical commission can give you information on the ecumenical participation of your denomination. We offer here a select list.
The Board of Rabbis of Northern California
The Board of Rabbis of Northern California brings together more than 270 rabbis representing the Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstructionist and Reform streams of Jewish life. The Board promotes and enriches Jewish learning and living by sponsoring programs of professional growth and development, communal study, social justice, healing and spirituality, interfaith activities and media relations. The Board of Rabbis is an agency of the Jewish Federation and a beneficiary of the United Jewish Fund.
For further information on the Board of Rabbis, contact (415-369-2861), www.norcalrabbis.org
The World Council of Churches (WCC)
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of more than 330 churches of the Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox and Old Catholic traditions. These churches gather for study, witness, service and the advancement of unity. The WCC includes in its membership churches in more than 100 countries. The WCC?s US Office offers general interpretive materials in print and video, a publications catalog/book list and periodicals.
Contact the World Council of Churches US Office:
475 Riverside Drive Riverside Drive, Room 915
New York, NY 10115
Tel: (212) 870-2529
Fax: (212) 870-2528
Email: usa@wcc-coe.org
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Resources and Order Form
The theme and text for each year's observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are chosen and prepared by representatives of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and representatives of the World Council of Churches. The international texts are developed, adapted and published for use in the USA by the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute. The GEII invites the collaboration of ecumenical agencies and ecumenists to assist in this project. WPCU resources are printed for ordering by Higham Press, a division of Rose Press, Inc., Mount Vernon, New York.
For further information, contact the Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute at the address below:
For further information, contact:
The Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
Route 9, P.O. Box 300
Garrison, NY 10524-0300
Tel: 1-800-338-2620 x2109
Fax: (+845) 424-2163
Email: rsullivan@atonementfriars.org
The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCCUSA)
The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCCUSA) is a community of more than 350 Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox churches that makes a common witness through the council and that works together to serve the churches and the world.
Contact the NCC Communication Department:
475 Riverside Drive Riverside Drive, Room 880
New York, NY 10115
Tel: (212) 870-2227
Fax: (212) 870-2030
Email: nccc_usa@ncccusa.org
Councils of churches or ecumenical/interfaith agencies of your city, county, or state may be able to supply brochures, displays or other resources about their work. Listings for these organizations appear in the NCC's Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches. Local libraries and church offices may carry this reference. It can also be ordered from the NCC, email yearbook@ncccusa.org.
The National Association of Ecumenical and Interreligious Staff (NAEIS)
The National Association of Ecumenical and Interreligious Staff (NAEIS) is a professional organization for ecumenical and interreligious leaders with membership across the nation. Retired, active and inactive ecumenical professionals available as speakers or resource persons can be identified.
Contact the National Association of Ecumenical and Interreligious Staff:
475 Riverside Drive Riverside Drive, Room 870
New York, NY 10115
Tel: (212) 870-2560
Fax: (212) 870-2158
Email: naeis@ncccusa.org
Glenmary Research Center
Glenmary Research Center serves a wide variety of church bodies and offers some useful tools in understanding the religious affiliations and trends of church membership in the United States.
Contact the Glenmary Research Center:
1312 Fifth Avenue
North, Nashville, TN 37208
Tel: (615) 256-1905
Fax: (615) 256-1902
Email: ksanchagrin@mhc.edu
Church Women United (CWU)
Church Women United (CWU) is an ecumenical movement providing Christian women with programs and channels of involvement in church, civic, national and international affairs.
For interpretive material, including information on CWU program priorities, the World Day of Prayer and other celebrations, contact the Church Women United:
475 Riverside Drive Riverside Drive, Room 1626
New York, NY 10115
Tel: 1-800-298-5551; (212) 870-2347
Fax: (212) 870-2338
Email: cwu@churchwomen.org
Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC)
Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC) is an ecumenical movement of nine American Christian communions authorized to explore the formation of a new full fellowship of churches truly catholic, truly evangelical and truly reformed?. The child of the Consultation on Church Union (COCU), Churches Uniting in Christ succeeded COCU and came into being in January 2002. CUIC offers a video, newsletter and other publications on its work, including information on its inauguration and goals for the present time.
Contact Churches Uniting in Christ:
700 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-1100
Tel: (216) 736-3294
Fax: (216)736-3296
Email: cuic@ucc.org