Inquiry Period: (Duration— 1.5 years)
- Discernment with family and pastor
- Submission of Inquiry Form
- Recommendation from Pastor
- Orientation sessions
- Interview with associate director of deacon formation
- Submission of formal application
- Submission of original certificate of baptism (with any notations, generally listed on the back) issued within the last six months. If confirmation and/or, if relevant, marriage are not listed in the notations, separate original certificates are also submitted.
- Interview with Admissions and Scrutinies Team
- Evaluations/recommendations submitted by pastor and others
- Psychological evaluation (applicant only)
- Recommendation for Approval, Rejection or Deferral by Admissions/Scrutiny Committee
- Decision for admissions by Bishop
Aspirancy (Duration—1-2 years)
- 6 Formation weekends
- 8-10 small group meetings
- Deacon mentor shadowing (aspirant only)
- Spiritual Director consultations (spouse suggested)
- Ministry experience: Extraordinary Minister of the cup, Lector, ministry to the poor (aspirant only)
- Discernment and Theological reflection
- History and theology of the diaconate
- Fundamentals of liturgical theology (on-line classes)
- Fundamentals of church history (on-line classes)
- (On-line classes optional for spouses)
- Evaluation and discernment by diocese
- Three-day retreat and Rite of Admission to Candidacy
Candidacy I (Duration—1 year)
- 6 Formation weekends
- 8-10 small group meetings
- Deacon Mentor shadowing (candidate only)
- Spiritual Director consultations (spouse suggested)
- Ministry experience: Extraordinary Minister of the cup, Lector, ministry to the poor (aspirant only)
- Pastoral field education: Ministry to the sick (candidate only)
- Discernment and Theological reflection
- Church History (on-line classes)
- Scripture (on-line classes)
- Liturgical theology (on-line classes)
- (on-line classes optional for spouses)
- Canon Law I (summer course) - Candidate Only
- Homiletics 1 (summer course) - Candidate Only
- Three-day retreat and Rite of Institution of Lectors
Candidacy II (Duration—1 year)
- 6 formation weekends
- 8-10 small group meetings
- Deacon mentor shadowing ( candidate only)
- Spiritual Director consultations (spouses suggested)
- Ministry experience: Extraordinary Minister of the cup, Lector, ministry to the poor, Acolyte (candidate only)
- Pastoral Field Education: detention ministry experience (candidate only)
- Discernment and Theological reflection
- Liturgical theology
- Church History (on-line classes)
- Scripture (on-line classes)
- (on-line classes optional for spouse)
- Canon Law II (summer course) - Candidate only
- Homiletics II (summer course) - Candidate only
- Three-day retreat and Rite of Institution of Acolytes
Candidacy III (Duration—1 year)
- 6 formation weekends
- 8-10 small group meetings
- Deacon mentor shadowing (candidate only
- Spiritual Director consultations (spouse suggested)
- Ministry experience: Extraordinary Minister of the cup, Lector, ministry to the poor, Acolyte (candidate only)
- Pastoral field education: ecumenical and multicultural ministry experience (candidate only)
- Discernment and Theological reflection
- Church History (on--line classes)
- Systematic theology (on-line classes)
- Pastoral theology (on-line classes)
- (on-line classes optional for spouses)
- Ends with one-week retreat and Rite of Ordination
Ongoing formation of an ordained deacon continues at least until retirement at age 75.
Note: program requirements are subject to change.