EQUIP Session One

Homework from the Retreat to be completed and brought with you to Session One

  • Spend some time in prayer reflecting on what was presented at the retreat by Fr. Michael Sweeney and Doug Tooke.  You might want to review the slides from their presentations HERE and READ the below article as well.
  • Spend at time journaling use the following questions
    • What do you need to start doing to be a missionary disciple
    • What do you need to remove from your life to be a better disciple?
    • Why are you ministering to youth and young adults at this time in your life?
    • Where are you feeling called by God:
      • in your work?
      • in your home?
      • in your ministry?

The below resources should be reviewed before attending your small group meeting for session one to have fruitful conversation and learning.


Homework from Session One to be completed and brought with you to Session Two

  • Use this resource from the National Dialogue in your youth or young adult ministry setting and complete a listening session. And if time allows complete a listening session with parents/families in your parish.
  • Once you have completed the session spend some time reading the results and bring with you a summary (no longer than a page) to be turned in to your small group facilitator.