Encountering Christ through Retreats and Meaningful Prayer Experiences


Jesus demonstrated the need “to be with the Father”.  He did this regularly and prayerfully at significant moments of his life and public ministry.  Retreats are special and unique times set apart from the daily routine of our lives.  This dynamic opportunity is essential in the Sacramental preparation of Confirmation Candidates.

Historically, when prepared with great care and intention, the results of a good retreat are incomparable to the usual events we facilitate at our parishes.  Their value and impact should not be underestimated.  Getting away to a different environment, hearing the stories of those who have gone before us, building community and growing in faith as a community has life-long benefits and excellent Sacramental Preparation results.  As we check-the-boxes and publish the expectations of Sacramental Preparation, retreats should be clearly at the forefront of their requirements.

What is the basic diocesan retreat requirement for those preparing for Confirmation in Year Two?

All Year Two candidates should participate in two retreats:  1) A parish-based retreat, organized by the primary director and team of the Confirmation community, and 2) the Diocesan Confirmation Day, ON FIRE!

The Parish-based Retreat:

There are many options.  But three forms are most typical:  half-day, full-day, and extended-overnight.

Unfortunately, extended-overnight retreats have suffered over the years.  Discipline issues, safety, chaperone policy, transportation, dietary issues, conflicting schedules, and COVID, have made going somewhere overnight a dilemma.  Do not give up.  A well-planned retreat (in every respect) is worth the time and energy it takes to accomplish.  Advanced planning is essential.

Although half-day and full-day retreats are common, the overnight experience has an unmatched comprehensive nature.  

Driving Your Retreat:

A handful of tasks taken care of in advance will drive your retreat toward success.  Here are important things to remember:

  1. Determine your date far in advance and make sure parents and candidates are aware of it.  Include this date (and location) in your initial orientation or information meetings and packet for the year.
  2. Secure a site far in advance.  Retreat Centers have more open dates than in the past.  Many of them are in the process of trying to book up their calendars again.  The Diocese of Sacramento owns two centers:  Trinity Pines (in Colfax) and Camp Pendola.  There are many, many others.
  3. Select the format “The Retreat” wisely.  Create or find a retreat that works and accomplishes your catechetical and evangelistic needs.  Do a retreat that works!  And REPEAT IT from year to year.  The best retreats are those kids share in common.  It is not good for the ministry to do a different retreat every year for Confirmation Candidates; this habit lacks consistency, connection, and impact.  Read more on this under Retreat Planning.
  4. Recruit and meet with a team.  DIY (Do It Yourself) is a contradiction to good retreat planning.  Your team is the most important element of the experience.  Find youth and adults who are willing to prepare and facilitate with you.  For an overnight, have at least two meetings.  For a two-nighter, have at least three meetings.
  5. Keep your Pastor (and staff) in the loop.  Another important reason to determine your dates in advance is to make sure your pastor, or another priest, will attend for both the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a Mass.
  6. Recruit chaperones, cooks (if needed) and drivers early!  These are not elements to leave at the last minute.  Everyone feels better when the details are worked out ahead of time.  Due to numerous policies regarding volunteers, chaperones and drivers, do not wait to ensure everyone is compliant.  You will feel better when all this is clear and taken care of in plenty of time.  The best advice is to empower a volunteer adult to navigate this information and be the point person to work on it for you.  

Note:  Half-day and Full-day retreats demand just as much attention.  Sometimes they are more work.  

Planning Prayer Services