The California Senate will be voting on two life-threatening bills in the coming weeks. I urge Catholics to tell their state Senator to oppose these two bills that target the vulnerable lives of children and the frail elderly.
During this time of pandemic, we have come to understand how connected we are to one another. We have learned how much children and those with vulnerable health depend on us for care, compassion and companionship. Both bills, originating out of the State Senate violate this covenant of life and love by discarding those who are seen as useless and unnecessary. The Pandemic has made clear that we are all essential in the eyes of God.
Senate Bill 245 seeks to remove co-pay cost sharing for all abortion services and would prohibit cost sharing from being imposed on Medical beneficiaries. Let your lawmakers know that women deserve better than abortion and they should instead fund life-affirming services in a patient’s health care plan.
Senate Bill 380 would seek to expand access to assisted suicide, eliminate the current safeguards and sunset provisions in the current assisted suicide law.
Visit https://cacatholic.org/action-alerts to take action today.