Father Michael Vaughan is commissioned as chaplain for the California National Guard

In above photo, Father Michael Vaughan takes the oath to uphold the purpose and duties of the chaplaincy, given by Captain Nathan D. Collins of the California National Guard. Photo by Juan Rios, Knights of Columbus

Father MIchael D. Vaughan, pastor of Good Shepherd Parish in Elk Grove, was commissioned on Aug. 24 as chaplain of the California Army National Guard. Following the celebration of the Vigil Mass, Captain Nathan D. Collins of the California National Guard commissioned Chaplain Captain Vaughan, including the oath administration and “attention to orders.” 

Father Vaughan took an oath to uphold the purpose and duties of the chaplaincy, which include "caring for the spiritual well-being of soldiers regardless of their religious backgrounds, ministering to their needs and helping them meet challenges in areas like religion, morals, and morale," according to the chaplaincy's website. Father Vaughan will offer time to his chaplain's post each month and a few consecutive weeks each year with the troops. He also will maintain his ministry as pastor of Good Shepherd Parish.

Good Shepherd Parish's veterans’ ministry ensured an evening of honor, presenting the colors with many attending in their respective uniforms. Retired U.S. Air Force Major John Huggard, who is a parishioner, served as master of ceremonies and offered a history of chaplains. Parishioner and retired U.S. Army Captain Dean Danielson also offered remarks before the benediction, dismissal and procession to the parish hall for refreshments and celebration.

Father Vaughan recalls his military service from 1987 to 1991 in Germany and Afghanistan with the U.S. Army 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment. His "in-field" conversion and baptism during the Gulf War motivated the new Chaplain Captain to go beyond his "comfort zone to save souls." 

"They do not have priests," Father Vaughan says of the California National Guard, clearly affected by the thought of troops lacking spiritual care. He reflected on his now-widened missionary territory. "We have so much work to do," he submits, humbled, inspired, evangelized and now sent out in new ways.

Father Vaughan has served as pastor of Good Shepherd since February 2021. He previously served for Bishop Jaime Soto as Vicar General and Vicar for Clergy of the Diocese of Sacramento. He also served at Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Joseph Parishes in Sacramento St. John Vianney Parish in Rancho Cordova, St. Peter Parish in Dixon and St. Peter-All Hallows Parish in Sacramento. He spent 10 years doing missionary work in Latin America, following his seminary studies in Connecticut and Rome.