Bishop Emeritus William K. Weigand requests prayers for healing from the faithful of the Diocese of Sacramento, after taking a fall in his home in Sacramento on Dec. 9. He tripped on a garden hose and fell on his cement patio, sustaining a fracture in his left knee, and trauma to some tendons and soft tissue.
Bishop Weigand is in good spirits, while healing at home and getting around on a walker, according to Uli Schmitt, chancellor of the Diocese of Sacramento. Following the Christmas and New Year's holidays, an orthopedic trauma specialist recommended him to wear a leg brace for two to three months to allow for natural healing.
Parishioners throughout the diocese have been praying for Bishop Weigand during weekday and weekend liturgies.
Bishop Weigand celebrated his 60th anniversary of priestly ordination on May 25, 2023. He served as the eighth bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento from Nov. 30, 1993 to Nov. 30, 2008, when he retired. He previously served as bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah, from Sept. 3, 1980 to Nov. 30, 1993.
To read a biography of Bishop Weigand, visit https://scd.org/bishops-office/bishop-emeritus-most-reverend-william-k-weigand.
In photo above, Bishop Weigand celebrates Mass on June 4, 2023 in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Sacramento. Steve German photo