Father Aidan O’Reilly, a beloved priest of the Diocese of Sacramento for nearly 63 years, died on Oct. 25 in Virginia, County Cavan, Ireland, where he resided for many years since his retirement in September 2004. He was 90.
Father O’Reilly, pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Mount Shasta from June 1993 to September 2004, when he was named Pastor Emeritus of St. Anthony Parish. In the few years preceding his retirement, he also served as priest supervisor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Dunsmuir, St. Joseph Parish in Yreka, and Sacred Heart Parish in Fort Jones. He also served as dean of the Siskiyou Deanery from 1996 to 2004.
Prior to serving at St. Anthony, he was pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Burney from September 1974 to June 1993. He also served as assistant pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Vallejo from 1972 to 1974; of Sacred Heart Parish in Red Bluff from 1966 to 1972; of St. Dominic Parish in Orland from 1963 to 1966; and of St. John Vianney Parish in Rancho Cordova from 1960 to 1963.
Born and raised in County Caven, Ireland, Father O’Reilly chose a vocation to the priesthood as a high school student, using as his model a local priest who was dedicated a passionate about his work.
Following his ordination on June 16, 1960 in Waterford, Ireland, his first assignment in the diocese that same year was as parochial vicar at St. John Vianney Parish in Rancho Cordova.
In an interview with The Catholic Herald in September 2004, he described his first experience as a young priest as “blessed and rewarding,” thanks to people who were “very affirming” and the pastor at the time, the late Msgr. Richard Dwyer.
Msgr. Dwyer “was exceptionally kind and helpful as I was getting started and prepared me for future assignments,” Father O’Reilly said.
Father Loughlain Carolan, a close friend of Father O’Reilly’s in Ireland, notes that “He was much loved here in his native country and hometown of Virginia, County Cavan. I got to know him well over the years as I was a curate in the parish of his birth. He spoke so very fondly of his ministry in Sacramento and of the wonderful people he ministered to and the strong fraternity he had with his priest colleagues.”
Father O’Reilly is survived by his nephew, Michael O’Reilly, of Virginia, County Cavan, Ireland.