September-October 2023 issue of Catholic Herald magazine is published

The September-October 2023 issue of Catholic Herald magazine has been published. The theme for this issue is respect life. The digital edition of the magazine is available at

In the cover story of this issue, readers meet Jonathan and Sonia Bray, and their daughter, Ella, of Holy Spirit Parish in Sacramento. The Brays experienced a pregnancy loss in February 2023, when Sonia was at 37 weeks with their daughter, Jenessa. They share their story of what transpired in the months afterward, supported by their family and friends, fellow parishioners and school parents. Steve Patton of Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services also offered comfort to the Bray family during their time of loss.

Other stories in this issue include Bishop Jaime Soto's column on "The celebration of the Eucharist expresses the necessity of the Gospel of Life"; a feature story on Lauralyn Solano, a member of Our Lady of Grace Parish in West Sacramento, who contemplates God's life-giving mercy and grace that has transformed her life over the past 20-plus years; a feature story on Maribel Hernandez of St. Rose Parish in Sacramento, who uses her insight as a parent and advocate to reach out to Spanish-speaking families with children with autism; a feature story on Sister of Mercy Juliana Clancy, who as chaplain, provides pastoral and spiritual care to senior residents at Mercy McMahon Terrace in Sacramento; and a feature story on Jake Theriot, a Jesuit Volunteer Corp member, who finds that prison ministry "recognizes God's special presence in the real messiness of life."

This issue also includes a book profile on "Young Latino Catholics: Stories of Faith"; a Teens Living Well column on how to be a "holy scroll-er"; and a spiritual fitness column on "Where is God in our daily interactions?"

Bishop Jaime Soto is the publisher of Catholic Herald magazine, which is published six times each year and includes moving faith stories about Catholics in the diocese, as well as news and events of the local church. Individual faith stories are the cornerstone of the magazine and columns also explore the Catholic faith and education about church teachings. To donate $15 per year to receive Catholic Herald, call 916-733-0266. To view the archive of past issues of Catholic Herald magazine, visit

Catholic Herald Issue