Often families are not prepared for the birth of a child with a disability or the development of impairments. Our pastoral response is to become informed about disabilities and to offer ongoing support to the family, and welcome to the child. Welcome and Justice for Persons with disabilities 1998, 9
Assisted by this same principle, the Ministry for Catholics with disAbilities derives three main guiding key words for our mission in serving Catholics with disAbilities: information, support, and welcome. These, in return, have given us a strong base for our general goals and objectives:
1. We will strive to create ways to inform ourselves and those we serve on persons with disabilities by using social media and training opportunities.
2. We will support parents and caregivers of persons with disabilities by creating online resources of available and existing services.
3. We will identify opportunities to welcome persons with disabilities to the Body of Christ through awareness and advocacy.
Support/Resource Meeting for DRE/CREs
Support group for those providing faith formation & sacramental preparation to Catholic Children with disAbilities 2nd Thursday of every month on TEAMS at 10am - Click Here To Join
Spring Workshop
Saturday, March 22
9:30-11:30 AM
1:30-3:30 PM (Spanish)
Pastoral Center, 2210 Broadway, Sacramento
A Life Full of Hope: Persons with disAbilities
Presented by Maribel Hernandez
No one expects or wants their child to be born with a disAbility, but this is not the end of the world… it is the beginning of an unimaginable story to be lived. Let us fill our lives with hope as we realize how our parishioners, candidates, students, and children with disAbilities learn and so do we as leaders, catechists, teachers, and parents: "learn to focus on Abilities." By finding new friends who will support us, their stories and realities that will fill us with hope, we will celebrate leaving any sadness aside. Join us in recognizing and sharing how to find and celebrate this hope in our parishes, sessions, classrooms, and homes.
Ministry for Catholics with disAbilities Spring Workshop | Diocese of Sacramento
Taller MCdA
Sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025
1:30-3:30 pm
Centro Pastoral, 2110 Broadway, Sacramento
Una vida llena de esperanza: personas con disCapacidad
Por Luz González
Nadie espera o desea que su hijo nazca con una disCapacidad, esto no es el fin del mundo… es el inicio de una historia que nunca se imaginaría vivir. Llenemos la vida de esperanza al darnos cuenta como nuestros parroquianos, candidatos, estudiantes, e hijos con disCapacidad aprenden y nosotros también como lideres, catequistas, maestros y padres de familia: “Aprender a enfocarnos en la Capacidad”. Al encontrar nuevos amigos que nos apoyarán, sus historias y realidades que nos llenarán de esperanza celebraremos dejando al lado la tristeza. Acompáñanos a reconocer y compartir cómo encontrar y celebrar esa esperanza en nuestras parroquias, sesiones, aulas y hogares.
Taller MCdA Una Vida Llena De Esperanza: Personas Con disCapacidad | Diocese of Sacramento
“Parish catechetical and sacramental preparation programs may need to be adapted for some parishioners with disabilities, though, as much as possible, persons with disabilities should be integrated into the ordinary programs.” Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities, General Principle 5
“Catholics with disabilities have a right to participate in the sacraments as fully as other members of the local ecclesial community.” ibid, 2
“All members of the faith community have a role to play in the invitation, welcome, and inclusion of people with disabilities.” ibid, 7
“Since the parish is the center of the Christian experience for most Catholics, pastors, and other parish ministers should make every effort to provide for all Catholics with disabilities who reside within a parish’s boundaries.” ibid, 4
“Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them.” Codex Iuris Canonici, 843, §1
“All persons with disabilities have gifts to contribute to the whole Church. When persons with disabilities are embraced and welcomed and invited to participate fully in all aspects of parish community life, the Body of Christ is more complete.” ibid, Conclusion.
St. Clare Parish Divine Savior Parish St Joseph Parish St James Parish Sr. Rocio Guzman, VDFM Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mary Mud Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament St Anthony Parish St Ignatius of Loyola Parish St. John the Evangelist Parish St. Joseph Parish St Anthony’s Church Holy Family Parish Sr. Susana Wong Garcia Holy Trinity Parish | St. John the Baptist Parish St. Joseph Parish Our Lady of Grace Church St Michael Catholic Community, Travis Air Force Base - for military dependents only St. Dominic's Church St Mary’s Parish Holy Spirit Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Holy Rosary Parish St Patrick’s Church Assumption Parish St Theresa Church
Faith Formation At Home
Calming Individuals in Distress
Supporting Persons with Mental Illness
Apoyando a estudiantes con necesidades de procesamiento sensorial
Recognizing the Body of Christ (8 videos)
Understanding Autism (Workshops 6 videos)
Autism Strategies, Resources, and Models (Workshops 6 videos)
Preparing an Annual Mass for People with Mental Illness
Theological and Pastoral Implications of Suicide (Webinar)
Cerebral Palsy Guide Provides free educational materials, financial options, and support to help those affected by this condition