Distance Learning through May 1, 2020 in Sacramento, Solano, and Placer Counties

Dear Catholic School Communities of Sacramento, Solano, and Placer Counties:

In conjunction with recent announcements by Sacramento, Solano, and Placer Counties, the schools of the Diocese of Sacramento in those counties will remain in Distance Learning mode, with campuses closed to students, through May 1, 2020.

The counties have all cited the interests of public health as the motivating factor behind their extension of school closures, and we are working with them in slowing the spread of COVID-19. We understand the burden that this places upon families, and we look forward to welcoming your children back to campus. In the meantime, I am impressed and encouraged by the progress our students are making under Distance Learning, and we will continue to deliver faith, community, and growth to your students in this time of need.

Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education.


Lincoln Snyder
Superintendent and Executive Director of Schools
The Diocese of Sacramento