November-December issue of Catholic Herald magazine is published, with theme of end-of-life issues

The November-December issue of Catholic Herald magazine has been published. The theme for this issue is end-of-life issues. The digital edition of the magazine is available at

In the cover story of the November-December issue, Catholic Herald features Deacon Michael and Barbara Turner of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Roseville, who are grief ministry trainers for the Diocese of Sacramento. They say coping with the death of a loved one or a loss of any kind can be one of the most challenging experiences people face. In these difficult times, a parish ministry of consolation can be a source of comfort and support to those who have suffered a loss.

Other stories in this issue include a feature on how the Catholic funeral is a celebration of our faith; a feature on Elsa Ceccato, longtime parishioner of Holy Rosary Parish in Woodland, who before her death shared with Catholic Herald how she is grateful for all involved with her hospice care; a feature on how George Alvarado and Olivia Sosa, members of St. Joseph Parish in Elk Grove, walk alongside those grieving through a bereavement support group in Spanish; a feature on how Kevin Danz and Diane Gordon, Family Service Advisors with Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of the diocese, guild families through funeral and cemetery planning; Nicole Zamora and Eddie Goff share how their experiences convinced them of the benefits of advanced funeral planning; and Jerry Del Core, chief executive officer of Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services, offers answers to frequently-asked questions about CFCS.

Bishop Jaime Soto is the publisher of Catholic Herald magazine, which is published six times each year and includes moving faith stories about Catholics in the diocese, as well as news and events of the local church. Individual faith stories are the cornerstone of the magazine and columns also explore the Catholic faith and education about church teachings. To donate $15 per year to receive Catholic Herald, call 916-733-0266 or visit To view the archives of past issues of Catholic Herald magazine, visit

Catholic Herald Issue