In a letter to the faithful of the Diocese of Sacramento on the weekend of Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27-28, Bishop Jaime Soto announced the upcoming release of the names of all priests and deacons in the diocese who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors and young people.
Following is the full text of Bishop Soto's letter. A Spanish translation is available at the bottom.
Dear Friends in Christ,
This week, I will publish on our diocesan website (www.scd.org), the list of priests and deacons who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors and young people in the Diocese of Sacramento. The list will account for our history of sexual abuse over the last seven decades and is a necessary reckoning for our local Church.
I am repulsed and heartbroken by the evil acts that were perpetrated upon the innocent by those entrusted with their care. When you read the list you will experience your own feelings of shock, anger and disgust. This undoubtedly will reopen wounds for some.
The pain and suffering of the victims from the betrayal and loss of innocence has continued for decades and will never go away. So too should our prayers never cease for God’s mercy and healing upon these victims.
I apologize for the sins and failures of the past. I am determined that such acts of abuse should never again occur in our diocese. I pledge to you that I and my brother priests are zealous in our efforts to ensure that our parishes and other Church ministries are safe environments for our children and young people. Our work follows the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in 2002 which greatly reduced the frequency of these sins. However, even one such event is one too many. We are determined to remain vigilant.
In these days of reckoning for our local Church, I ask you to join me in praying for the victims of sexual abuse and the purification of God’s Holy Church.