Celebrating the Ascension of the Lord and Mother's Day

Today we celebrate Mother's Day and the Ascension of the Lord. Jesus truly expressed the importance of the family, and how through the family he expresses his love and care for us. In the life of Jesus, there is always a familial connection. God the Father entrusted the care of his only begotten son to a young virgin. Mary, his mother, raises, cares, protects, and loves him. At his crucifixion, he entrusts his mother to the beloved disciple, and the beloved disciple to his mother. At the Ascension, he returns to the Father, but not before asking the Father to protect those he leaves behind.

Thinking of Mary this Mother's Day, we reflect on her bravery and willingness to say yes, and because of her Fiat, Jesus entered the world. We also connect the motherhood of Mary and what God entrusts to mothers now: a new life, a chance for God's saving work to continue through each soul that begins in the womb of a mother. Like Mary, mothers face uncertainty of how the world will receive their child. From the moment they are aware of a new life growing within them, mothers experience a multitude of fears. Jesus knew this, and at the cross he looked at the mother who loved, cared, and protected him for 33 years and entrusted her care to the beloved disciple, and to the beloved disciple he entrusted his mother.

Celebrating the Ascension of the Lord, we look to the Gospel of John and we see another family connection. Before his ascension, Jesus prays to the father. He asks the Father to protect them knowing that they will be sent into the world, even though they do not belong to the world. While Jesus would not be with his disciples physically, he still promises them that he will be with them always. "Them" becomes "us". The disciples were with him, but Jesus is advocating for all of us. His great sacrifice on the cross broke physical barriers and allowed His Spirit to flow to all of us. This great love between the Father and the Son is how he keeps his promise to us—he sends us his Spirit.

At his death, Jesus entrusts us to his mother. At his ascension, Jesus advocates for us to the Father. This Mother's Day and Solemnity of the Ascension let us remember the great love Jesus has for us.


Lauralyn Solano is a Coordinator for Lay Ministry Formation & Support for the Diocese of Sacramento.