Bishop Jaime Soto responds to the death of evangelist Billy Graham

The Rev. Billy Graham, a fiery Baptist preacher and evangelist of the 20th century and for decades one of the world figures most admired by Americans, died early Feb. 21 at his home in Montreat, according to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He was 99.

Bishop Jaime Soto issued this statement Feb. 21 in response to Graham's death: "The Rev. Billy Graham has a noble place in the long religious history of the United States. He was an echo of America’s old religious soul. That is why so many politicians, including presidents, sought him out. He spoke to the restless heart of Americans who still look for something -- someone beyond the lure and luster of the material world. He made good use of the media but it was his message that touched the sin-sick soul. The message was not his own. It belonged to the One who called him. Billy Graham was an American John the Baptist preparing the way for the coming of the Lord Jesus."

Graham will lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol rotunda beginning next week it was announced on Feb. 22. Members of the public are invited to pay their respects from Wednesday, Feb. 28 through Thursday, March 1.

To read more about Graham, visit this link to a story from Catholic News Agency: