Choose Life: Youth gatherings in observance of Roe v. Wade

Middle and high school students, teachers, parents and ministers are invited to attend "Choose Life '18" on January 22 (Sacramento) and January 23 (Yuba City).

Attendees will learn:

  • What does it really mean to be "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice"?
  • How can we talk about abortion with our family and friends?
  • How can we make a difference in our schools and churches?

In addition, attendees will witness a live ultrasound.

Monday, January 22
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
1017 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

featured guest Camille Rodriguez,
Students for Life of America

10:00am - Noon program
followed by Mass
with Bishop Jaime Soto

6:30-8:00pm program
followed by candlelight vigil
with Bishop Myron Cotta

Tuesday, January 23
St. Isidore Parish Hall
222 Clark Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991

featured guest Anna Arend,
Students for Life of America

10:00am - Noon program
followed by Mass
with Father Avram Brown

6:30-8:00pm program
followed by candlelight vigil
with Father Avram Brown

There is no cost to attend, but please RSVP to Steve Patton at the contact information listed here.