January-February issue of Catholic Herald magazine is published

The January-February issue of Catholic Herald, the magazine of the Diocese of Sacramento, has been published. The theme for the feature stories in this issue is Catholic education. The digital edition of the magazine is available at http://faithdigital.org/Sacramento/CH0118/.

Jennifer and Matthew Sinner of Lincoln, and their daughter, Avery, who attends Holy Family Preschool in Citrus Heights, are featured in the cover story. Avery is making great strides in an inclusive program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children such as Avery with autism are accompanied by an instructional assistant who helps them by mediating daily routines and play with their peers, as well as practicing social skills.

Other stories in this issue include a feature on how heartbreak gave way to happiness when two families moved on to new Catholic school communities after the 2017 closure of Holy Cross Academy in West Sacramento; how Fairfield's Holy Spirit School benefits from counseling services provided by Catholic Charities of Yolo and Solano; and an interview with professor Hosffman Ospino of Boston College's School of Theology and Ministry, on Catholic schools in an increasingly Hispanic church.

Bishop Jaime Soto is the publisher of Catholic Herald magazine, which is published six times each year and includes moving faith stories and high-quality photography about Catholics in the diocese, as well as news and events of the local church. Individual faith stories are the cornerstone of the magazine and columns also explore the Catholic faith and education about church teachings. To donate $15 per year to receive Catholic Herald, call 916-733-0266. To view the archives of past issues of Catholic Herald magazine, visit https://www.scd.org/catholic-herald-magazine.

Catholic Herald Issue