
Served as a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento for nearly 49 years

'We ask you to act in good faith by allowing a debate and vote now'
Diocese of Sacramento

After the Avila family lost everything, they now focus on helping other families; Jim shares his story of faith and determination after great loss
Catholic Herald Magazine

500 gather for dinner with theme, 'Growing in Faith, Serving with Love'
Diocese of Sacramento

At his death, Jesus entrusts us to his mother. At his ascension, Jesus advocates for us to the Father. This Mother's Day and Solemnity of the Ascension let us remember the great love Jesus has for us.
Diocese of Sacramento

John 15:13 inspires his life: 'No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends'
Catholic Herald Magazine

"As we began to draw close to the end of this spiritual journey, the hearts of everyone turn to gratitude," writes Bishop Soto.
Diocese of Sacramento

"Pilgrimages provide this epiphany of catholicity, a universality that is marvelously paradoxical," writes Bishop Soto.
Diocese of Sacramento

As a procession in front of the Rosary Basilica was about to begin, the presider announced: "You have journeyed to Lourdes. Now, Jesus journeys with you."
Diocese of Sacramento

Moving water possesses a mysterious energy. Whether it is a river or a spring, life will flourish around it. The waters of Lourdes will do the same for anyone who is attentive to its fresh, invigorating, cascading cadence.
Diocese of Sacramento