
Diocese of Sacramento is ever vigiliant in looking for and implementing ways to improve its methods to prevent sexual abuse
Safe Environment

The text of Father Steven Avella's homily at the funeral Mass for Bishop Francis A. Quinn April 1
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament - Sacramento

A recording of Bishop Francis Quinn's funeral is available.
Diocese of Sacramento

'Bishop Quinn has emptied himself for Christ. We now commend him to the mercy of Christ...'
Diocese of Sacramento

“We will all miss this extraordinary person who was such a blessing to us in life."
Diocese of Sacramento

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Francis Anthony Quinn.
Diocese of Sacramento

"Bishop Quinn was also dearly possessed by the many who admired and loved him, Catholics and non-Catholics alike."
Diocese of Sacramento

Board remeains dedicated to strong policies and procedures to prevent and address sexual abuse and to keep children safe
Catholic Herald Magazine, Safe Environment

The bishops encourage Gov. Newsom to use well the time of the moratorium to promote civil dialogue on alternatives to the death penalty
Diocese of Sacramento

Among those who died in the crash was Melvin and Bennett Riffel, sons of Ms. Susan Riffel of St. Joseph Parish in Redding.
Diocese of Sacramento