
Features stories on Lay Mission Project participants 'living the call to discipleship,' plus the diocese welcomes three new priests
Catholic Herald Magazine

"Her death deeply wounds us," writes Bishop Soto.
Diocese of Sacramento

Bishop Blaire served Diocese of Stockton for 19 years; Bishop DuMaine served Diocese of San Jose for 18 years as its founding bishop

On fourth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on Caring for the Earth, bishops celebrate beauty of California while warning of the perils facing our home.
Catholic Social Teaching

"[SB 360] attacks the very religious liberty of the nearly 11 million Catholics in the state of California," writes Bishop Soto.
Diocese of Sacramento

Luz embraces the journey of being a consecrated virgin living in the world
Catholic Herald Magazine

Priests discuss embracing and living the promise of celibacy
Catholic Herald Magazine

Dan and Justine, youth and young adult ministers, say chastity is 'possible and beautiful'
Catholic Herald Magazine, St. Vincent Ferrer - Vallejo

Priests discuss embracing and living the promise of celibacy
Catholic Herald Magazine

Bishops to discuss and vote on bishop accountability measure to respond to the abuse crisis