
Those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

An investigation was conducted into allegations of conduct that would violate the Church’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
Safe Environment, Clergy Abuse

Wishing you all a blessed Catholic Schools Week!

'El Santísimo Sacramento, mi pedacito de cielo.'
Bishop Alphonse Gallegos

Together, let us imagine an America, a California, without abortion.
Respect Life

May we pray, fast, and work for the day when the gift of every human life is protected in law and welcomed in love.
USCCB, Respect Life

The Bishops of CA commit to a vision that honors women with life-affirming support and practical resources so that all families can thrive.
California Catholic Conference, Respect Life

Our diocese takes every accusation of abuse extremely seriously.
Safe Environment, Clergy Abuse

Abortion should not have a place in California’s future.
Respect Life

He reflects on the joys and challenges of being a 'second career' priest
Holy Spirit - Sacramento