For the update regarding Fr. O'Brien’s return to ministry, please click here.
The Diocesan Pastoral Center has learned of an accusation of sexual misconduct against Fr. Maurice O’Brien, a retired priest of the Diocese of Sacramento.
In accordance with diocesan policy, Fr. O’Brien’s priestly faculties were removed pending the outcome of a formal investigation. Consequently, Fr. O’Brien may not currently function publicly as a priest.
Our diocese takes every accusation of abuse extremely seriously. We follow a strict process that seeks to protect victims, report to law enforcement, inform parishioners at current and former assignments, and investigate each matter thoroughly. We are following these steps in this matter, as we do in all cases.
The allegation is related to conduct with a minor in 1970 at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Vallejo. Fr. O’Brien has denied the allegation. Details of the allegation were included in a lawsuit filed against the diocese, which included sufficient information to trigger an investigation and implementation of our policy for abuse allegations.
We have notified each of the 12 parishes where Fr. O’Brien had been assigned in the diocese. Also in keeping with our procedures, we have notified law enforcement in Solano County.
We ask anyone with information that could be relevant to this matter, or who believes they or someone they know may have experienced any type of abuse, to please call the Vallejo Police Department at (707) 648-4321, or you can file a report on line at www.vallejopd.net. You may also contact the diocese’s Pastoral Care Coordinator at 866-777-9133.