The Diocese of Sacramento Office of Youth and Young Adults will offer a new Summer Camp outdoor faith experience in collaboration with the Catholic Charities CYO Summer Camp located in Marin County. Registrations are available now.
After 64 years of inspiring young disciples of Christ, Bishop Jaime Soto announced his decision to close Camp Pendola in Camptonville, CA and support the outdoor faith experience program at the Catholic Charities CYO Camp in Marin County.
From its humble beginnings in 1960 Camp Pendola grew into a beloved diocesan ministry, offering summer camp sessions, family programs, and leadership opportunities for youth. Generations of campers returned year after year, fostering an enduring love for their Catholic faith and forming connections that shaped their lives. Generations of campers hiked its trails, swam in its pond, prayed in its chapel, and encountered the Lord Jesus.
Over the last decade, with declining attendance, fewer children and families were enjoying Camp Pendola. Continually rising operational costs, along with the significant capital investments to upgrade essential camp infrastructure meant that more diocesan resources were serving fewer campers.
This difficult decision reflects the Bishop Soto’s commitment to steward diocesan resources wisely while discerning how best to meet the current and future needs of our youth and families.
While the closure of Camp Pendola marks an end to a rich tradition for many, it also provides an opportunity to reimagine and expand youth and family summer formation programming to serve today’s Catholic families more effectively.
In addition to the collaboration with the Marin camp of Catholic Charities CYO the Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Office will launch vibrant summer initiatives designed to inspire faith and community among youth and families. These initiatives will include expanded Vacation Bible School opportunities, locally held service experiences for teens, a family faith speaker series, and more.
Although Camp Pendola’s doors will close, its spirit and mission live on in the countless lives it touched. The collaboration with the Catholic Charities CYO offers the opportunity to offer outdoor faith experiences to new generations and honor Camp Pendola’s enduring legacy. Bishop Soto and the diocesan youth ministry team hope to create new traditions that will continue to deepen the faith of youth and families in Northern California.
Bishop Soto extends his gratitude to the dedicated staff, volunteers, and 20,000+ campers who made Camp Pendola a cornerstone of their summers for more than six decades. He trusts in the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we work to provide opportunities that form disciples of Christ and strengthen the bonds of faith, family and community throughout our diocese.
CYO Camp Registration can be found at: https://catholiccharitiessf.org/cyocamp/cyo-summer-camp-registration/