Sensory-friendly Mass at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Carmichael brings together families with special-needs children

Some 55 people from seven parishes attended a sensory-friendly Mass on Sunday, Feb. 11 at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Carmichael, hosted by the diocese’s Ministry to Catholics with DisAbilities (MCDA).

The MCDA has been working to provide opportunities for catechesis and reception of the sacraments for persons with disAbilities. A member of the MCDA committee, Teri Burns from St. Joseph Parish in Sacramento, worked with St. John the Evangelist parishioners to host the Mass, where all could participate in a quieter Mass environment and would not feel any stigma from disturbing other participants. Families from several parishes in the Sacramento region shared the Mass, and several of the young people served as lectors, altar servers and gift bearers.

Missionary of St. Francis de Sales Father Dominic Savio Potnuru, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, accepted the challenge of celebrating the Mass and was grateful to learn about the gifts and needs of this group of Catholics. In his homily, he pointed out that in the Gospel, Jesus loved the sick man who came to him. He touched him and healed him. He wants all of us to come to him, too, and to touch him in love. He is always there for us, whatever the challenges.

Father Dominic was assisted by Deacon Kevin Staszkow from St. Lawrence Parish in North Highlands, who directs the diocese's Office of Family and Faith Formation and is also a member of the MCDA committee.

Ushers from St. John the Evangelist welcomed families and asked about their special needs, including if communicants would need gluten-free hosts so they could be directed to a designated eucharistic minister. Only natural lighting was used and no bells or incense were used. Softer music, fewer songs, dimmer lighting and large print Mass aides were used during the Mass and a quiet room was made available if families needed to step out with their children.

Families who frequently worry about bringing their children with disAbilities to Mass felt welcomed and supported by the team. There was universal interest in having more sensory-friendly Masses available around the diocese. The MCDA is looking for additional parishes in the diocese to host the Masses in the future. Another Mass is planned for fall 2024.


About the diocese’s Ministry to Catholics with DisAbilities at