The first weekend in June is always a joy in the Diocese of Sacramento. Summer approaches and classes have ended. The seminarians have returned home and are about to begin their summer assignments, whether that is parish work, hospital training, or language immersion in Mexico. The first weekend in June holds an even greater significance, however, for our Diocese: this is the weekend when traditionally new priests are ordained for service within the church of Sacramento after completing years of seminary formation, ready to serve the people of God.
This year was no different, seeing the ordination of three new priests for the Diocese of Sacramento by our bishop, the Most Reverend Jaime Soto: Fr. Joshua Sia, Fr. Edgardo Garcia, and Fr. Andrés Emmanuelli. Our new priests have diverse origins, ranging from the Philippines, Mexico, and Venezuela, coming with experiences that will no doubt serve them well as they embark on their ministry within the Diocese.
Ordination weekend is a special time for the seminarians, as we get to see the fruits of many years of prayer and work, getting to accompany our brothers as they prostrate themselves on the floor of the cathedral, dedicating their lives to God through service to His Church in Sacramento. Speaking from a personal perspective, each ordination I have attended has gained more poignancy for my own vocational journey. Seeing friends that I really know, brothers I have journeyed with throughout their years of seminary formation, through all the blessings and challenges, strengthens my own sense of vocation and encourages me to move forward. If you ever have a chance to attend a priestly ordination, especially if you are discerning a call to the priesthood, go! You won’t regret it! Please continue to pray for your seminarians and priests, and pray especially for an increase in vocations to the priesthood here in Sacramento. Your prayers make a difference!
At the end of the ordination Mass, the following assignments were announced for our new priests: Fr. Emmanuelli has been assigned as Parochial Vicar of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in Vallejo, Fr. Garcia has been assigned as Parochial Vicar Good Shepherd Parish in Elk Grove, and Fr. Sia has been assigned as Parochial Vicar of St. James Parish in Davis.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
In Christ,