Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent 2019

For the last two Sundays my seven year old has asked me, “Is today the pink candle?” and for the last two Sundays I have had to tell her, “not yet.” What is it about Gaudete Sunday that we should have a different color on the advent wreath?

Entering the Advent season, we are called to a place of preparation and penance in order to receive our Lord. The violet we see on the wreath reminds us of the work to be done in that anticipation. We look inward, we reflect on all the things that we have placed "under our roofs" that might make us unworthy of the Lord's entrance. But why, in the middle of this season of waiting, is there a rose colored candle?

Gaudete Sunday reminds us that amidst this time of preparation, we must not lose sight of the one we are preparing for. Gaudete means to rejoice! Joy is something that cannot be contained; it is something that radiates outward and sticks out like a rose colored candle. 

All four of the gospels speak of this great figure, John the Baptist, who is the one who is to prepare the way for Jesus. John must have been familiar with our first reading this Sunday from Isaiah. The crown of everlasting joy amongst the backdrop of a desert and parched land, John knew that he was preparing the way for the one who would save us. This knowledge was made apparent when he told his followers to ask, “are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” Jesus’s response was a confirmation of the signs that many were looking for – especially John.

What stands out in the gospel is the very last part, where Jesus declares that there has been none greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Is this an insult to John? Certainly not! Jesus here is sharing in the joy of the kingdom of heaven, and with that he shares the key to that joy – himself. This Gaudete Sunday, the purpose of John the Baptist‘s preparation is fulfilled, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The one who’s way was prepared, is now here to walk it.

Over 2000 years later, we still light this rose colored candle in order to remind us of the joy we have in Jesus. Even though we may still experience the troubles and turmoils in our lives similar to that Isaiah speaks of, we must not forget that our faith, hope, joy, and peace are all fulfilled in Jesus and that we are called to live in union with Him every day of our lives, and by doing so we live in the kingdom and can do things greater than he.

If you are seeking ways to form a way to spread the kingdom as John did, the Diocese of Sacramento has a special project for Lay Formation. In this project, we spend time in study, prayer, and formation to best share the gospel. For more information you can go to