May-June Catholic Herald magazine is published

The May-June issue of Catholic Herald, the magazine of the Diocese of Sacramento, has been published. The theme for the feature stories in this issue is "when natural disaster strikes." The digital edition of the magazine is available at

In the cover story, Folsom Fire Chief Felipe Rodriguez speaks about how he works to "create a great good for others" in his work. The passage from Scripture that inspires his life is John 15:13: "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Other stories in this issue include a feature on "the faces of wildfires," with interviews with the Avila family of St. Teresa of Avila Parish in Auburn, whose neighborhood was destroyed in the 49er fire of Aug. 30, 2009 and Jim Dalin of Holy Family Parish in Weed, who lost his home in the Boles fire of Sept. 14, 2014; an interview with Dominican Sister Donna Markham, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, on how Catholic agencies on a national and local level respond in the aftermath of natural disasters; a feature on how the staff of Northern Valley Catholic Social Service in Redding trains and responds to take care of people affected by natural disasters, especially wildfires in Northern California; and an interview with Dominican Father Pius Pietrzyk, chair of the Pastoral Studies Department and associate professor at St. Patrick's Seminary and University, on how God is not indifferent to the suffering of those affected by natural disasters.

Bishop Jaime Soto is the publisher of Catholic Herald magazine, which is published six times each year and includes moving faith stories and high-quality photography about Catholics in the diocese, as well as news and events of the local church. Individual faith stories are the cornerstone of the magazine and columns also explore the Catholic faith and education about church teachings. To donate $15 per year to receive Catholic Herald, call 916-733-0266. To view the archives of past issues of Catholic Herald magazine, visit

Catholic Herald Issue