Diocesan Pastoral Center staff, ministry leaders join in farewell luncheon for Bishop Myron J. Cotta

Diocesan Pastoral Center staff, detention ministry and ecumenical leaders, staff of Radio Santisimo Sacramento and staff of the California Catholic Conference gathered on March 5 for a farewell luncheon for Auxiliary Bishop Cotta to celebrate his four years of ministry in the Diocese of Sacramento.

He was honored by co-workers and leaders from various ministries for his work in inter-religious and ecumenical affairs, prison and jail ministry, Radio Santisimo Sacramento, Catholic education and public policy issues.

In photo above, Bishop Emeritus William K. Weigand, left, and Bishop Jaime Soto, right, congratulate Bishop Cotta, who will be installed as the sixth bishop of Stockton by Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco on March 15 in St. Stanislaus Church in Modesto. Cathy Joyce photo

See more photos from the luncheon at https://flic.kr/s/aHsm7UFcXu