Sunday, September 17, marks Catechetical Sunday, a day designated by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, to commission "those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists." The theme of Living as Missionary Disciples will guide the year, offering a wonderful opportunity for reflection on each person's Baptismal call to hand on the faith, and witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday sets aside time for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church "Catechesis is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church's life...her inner growth and correspondence with God's plan depend essentially on catechesis" (no.7). Parishes throughout the diocese will recognize and commission hundreds of catechists who teach in the name of the Church while also inviting the entire church community to "think about our responsibility to share our faith with others."
Parents and guardians, as the primary catechists of their children, are also commended and encouraged to honor their role and "make their Catholic households a place where faith is passed on to the next generation."
The USCCB provides resources and materials for parishes to fully celebrate the significance of Catechetical Sunday and the profound dignity of the ministry of teaching in the name of the Church.
Link to USCCB website to learn more about Catechetical Sunday
Link to resources and logos for Living as Missionary Disciples