The Executive Committee of the California Catholic Conference of Bishops released the following statement today regarding the Texas Attorney General’s lawsuit against the Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas:
“The Catholic bishops of California stand in solidarity with Bishop Mark Seitz of the Dioceses of El Paso, Texas, as he defends the Church’s right to practice its faith and implement the corporal works of mercy.
“It is shameful that the Texas Attorney General would file suit against Annunciation House in El Paso. For a country that was founded by immigrants from Europe seeking religious freedom and tolerance, we find the actions of the Texas AG abhorrent in attempting to curtail the work of people of faith.
“The Annunciation House has accompanied migrants for nearly 50 years, partnering with local and federal law enforcement and the U.S. Border Patrol. For the AG to claim the nonprofit is responsible for “worsening illegal immigration” shows a lack of fundamental understanding of the gravity of immigration as a humanitarian concern and unjustly attacks a long-standing partner in relief efforts.
As bishops of a border state, we appreciate the humbling and complex immigration challenges our country faces. At the same time, we are committed to the same solutions that the Texas bishops have declared: to remain committed to praying and working for a secure border, to protect the vulnerable, and for just immigration solutions to protect all human life.”
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me...” (Mt. 25: 35).