Bishop Soto sends letter to Bishop Pepe of Las Vegas after mass shooting

Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento has sent the following letter today to Bishop Joseph A. Pepe of Las Vegas, Nev. in the wake of a mass shooting Oct. 1 in Las Vegas.

Dear Bishop Pepe:

Your brother bishops, the clergy, religious and Faithful of Sacramento join with you and the people of Las Vegas in this moment when senseless violence has cast a dark cloud over the city as well as the nation.

We pray for all the victims and their families. May those who have died now rest in the arms of the Good Shepherd. May the tender mercies of the Lord Jesus caress the broken-hearted.

Be assured as well of our supplications for you, your fellow religious leaders, police, medical teams and all those accompanying the suffering and sorrowful in these hard days.

This horror as well as other such tragedies that continue to plague these times must strengthen our resolve to be peacemakers certain of the hope promised us by the one in whom we will find lasting peace, Jesus Christ, our Lord.


+Jaime Soto
Bishop of Sacramento
