Bishop Jaime Soto issues statement about immigrant families on the border

The U.S. Catholic bishops have joined a chorus of organizations, institutions and high-profile individuals urging the Trump administration to stop separating children from their parents as they seek respite in the United States from dire conditions in their home countries, largely in Central America.

In a recent television interview with Channel 19, Bishop Jaime Soto stated that “The family is where the human being comes closest to the image of God. Any offense against the family also attacks our Father and creator. It is morally incomprehensible the ‘deterrence’ justification proposed by the federal administration for the heartless  tactic of removing children from the arms of their mothers.

"The crying of immigrant families is part of a lamentable litany that only confirms the prolonged folly and profound breakdown of the entire migratory system. The human horror taking place on the border is a consequence of the callous indifference of Congressional leadership.

"Congress must exercise its moral responsibility to create a more just and humane system. Their disregard now risks the lives of the most vulnerable migrants, children and women.”

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