Auxiliary Bishop Cotta's Statement on Northern California Wildfires

As wildfires continue to rage throughout Northern California and many parts of the Diocese of Sacramento, we especially pray for the Church in Santa Rosa and the people of Napa and Sonoma Counties who have been impacted greatly by the fires.

We acknowledge the sense of loss and suffering experienced by those of you who have lost their homes, businesses (or places of employment). We pray that you do not lose hope, nor the sense of God’s presence and the support of the community.

We pray, too, for the brave men and women who are responding to these disasters, battling the fires and helping people to safety. We call upon God for improved weather conditions and for the blessing of rain to assist them.

We pray that those who are missing, or are still in harm's way, will be found and protected. May God grant eternal rest to those who have died, and bring them into glory with Him forever.

Intercessory payers:

  • For those who have lost homes, businesses or loved ones in the recent wildfires throughout Northern California, that they may find consolation in trusting that God will provide for all they need. Let us pray.
  • We prayer for the eternal rest of those who have died as a result of these fires and pray that those who are missing or are still in harm's way will be found and protected. Let us pray.
  • For our first responders, firefighters and brave men and women battling fires and helping people to safety, that they may be kept safe as they work to restore calm and assist those affected by the wildfires. Let us pray.

Our Lady of the Rosary pray for all those devastated by this natural disaster and make fruitful our efforts to assist them.

On Oct. 13, Pope Francis sent a message to Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, expressing his condolences for the victims of the wildfires in California. Read the pope's message at