Announcing Ministry Days 2020: Rejoice and Be Glad, September 25-26

The Offices of Family and Faith Formation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry are pleased to announce Ministry Days 2020: “Rejoice and Be Glad” online Friday, September 25 through Saturday, September 26. This event is for all Catholics, but especially for those who are active in Parish and School ministry.

Registration for Ministry Days is now open and can be completed online through our website: This website is your destination for all information about the event including descriptions of the Keynotes, and workshops (coming soon) as well as the schedule for the event and where you will find the links to join the workshop session during Ministry Days.

Our theme this year calls us to Rejoice and Be Glad because God never abandons His people. While the need to equip families spiritually and connect them to a church is felt stronger in time of struggle, we also need to remind all that they need God to survive and thrive. We are called to walk the journey together accompanying each other in our call to holiness.

We look forward to seeing each of you virtually at Ministry Days in September!