2023 Easter Message from Bishop Jaime Soto

When the Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem, he did not come alone. He brought with him his friends and disciples. Intent and determined to be obedient to the Father’s will, he brought along his companions. This was also part of the Father’s plan. They were to be his witnesses. They were also to share in his saving work.

They accompanied him through the gates of Jerusalem, walked with him through the streets of the Holy City. They ate the bread of life and drank from the cup of salvation at the first Eucharist. They prayed with him in the garden. Even though, they fled from him, betrayed him, and denied him, it was the Father’s holy desire that they be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus and come to share in his resurrection.

The Lord Jesus invites us to the heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus wishes us to be his companions for this journey of faith. The Lord gathers us around the altar of his sacrifice. The Good Shepherd leads us through his death to the glory of the resurrection. Trusting in the Father’s divine mercy, let us humble ourselves at the foot of the cross so that his glory and grace may be revealed in us.

A blessed and happy Easter to you and yours.

Mensaje de Pascua 2023 del Mons. Jaime Soto

Cuando el Señor Jesús vino a Jerusalén, no llegó solo. Trajo a sus amigos y discípulos. Decidido a ser obediente a la voluntad del Padre, trajo a sus compañeros. Esto también era parte del plan del Padre. Iban a ser sus testigos. También debían compartir su obra salvadora.

Lo acompañaron a través de la entrada de Jerusalén. Caminaron con él por las calles de la Ciudad Santa. Comieron el pan de vida y la copa de la salvación en la primera Eucaristía. Oraron con Cristo en el jardín de Getsemaní. Aunque huyeron de él, lo traicionaron y lo negaron, era el santo deseo del Padre que fueran salvos por el sacrificio de Jesús y vinieran a participar en su resurrección.

El Señor Jesús nos invita también a la Jerusalén celestial. Jesús quiere que seamos sus compañeros para este caminar de fe. El Señor nos reúne alrededor del altar de su sacrificio. El buen pastor nos conduce a través de su muerte a la gloria de la resurrección. Confiando en la misericordia divina del Padre, humildemente pongámonos al pie de la cruz para que su gloria y gracia se revelen en nosotros.

Una bendita y feliz Pascua para ti y los tuyos.