Catechetical Foundations is a course for anyone in the Diocese of Sacramento who wishes to have an understanding of the fundamentals of the Christian Faith, and how to pass it on to others. In particular it is for parish leaders, catechists, teachers, home schooling parents, and those involved in pastoral or liturgical ministries. At the completion of the course, participants are able to use this formation toward Catechetical Certification with the Diocese of Sacramento. This formation is designed to ensure catechists are fit for the mission: not only to impart knowledge of the faith, but to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
In what it consists
The course is comprised of eight units, each consisting of four or more topics. The course will have one unit per month for eight months. Participants in the course will be enrolled into an online learning platform. There will be an assigned Master Catechist Mentor to follow along with the participants and assist with questions. Each week participants will work through parts and take no longer than 1 hours per week:
- Prayer Practice – Introduction to different prayers, prayer styles, and an opportunity to use the material in their own spiritual life.
- Unit Objectives – Varies on unit. The first week of each unit will include an overview of the materials and then an assigned reading/video or both.
- Methodology – This area will focus on elements they have learned applied. There may be vignettes, short readings, etc.
- Assignment/Assessment – Questions/prompts will be available for discussion on the online discussion board. Participants will be able to interact with each other as well as their cohort mentor.
Course Content
Unit 1: Who is Called to Beatitude?
God creates, orders, and sustains all things in being by:
- creating each person as a unique and unrepeatable image of God.
- calling all people to union with God.
- allowing holiness to be attainable through the Christian life.
- the call to holiness, which is a supernatural vocation unattainable by reason alone.
Unit 2: How are we Called to Beatitude?
- Christ’s call us to a discipleship that has both graces and responsibilities,
- a sacramental imagination enables Catholic disciples to experience God and the world as imbued with the mysterious presence of God,
- as baptized Christians we all share in the mission of Christs church and fulfill that in differing roles according to our vocational state of life.
- inspiration as God working through human writers and evolving through stages and that the will of God is also revealed through Tradition.
Unit 3: Called to Discipleship (Discipleship in General)
- Mary and the Saints are an integral part of the Church.
- Our ultimate end is eternal beatitude/sainthood.
- By our baptism we are called to holiness.
- As stewards, we have a responsibility toward one another.
Unit 4: Called to the Spiritual Life (Discipleship in Particular ways)
- By Original sin, man is spiritually dead, therefore he must be “born in the Spirit,” to which all are called.
- Prayer is a gift and it is God who firsts invites man to pray.
- The Lord’s prayer is the summary of the whole Gospel.
- The Spiritual life must continually be nourished by practice, learning and sacramental grace.
- We are social beings and we thrive in community.
- Christ established the Church to be His Mystical Body for our good.
- Prayer is ecclesial (each member of the body of Christ is valuable and integral; when one of her members prays the whole Church prays.)
Unit 5: Called to Virtue (to Love as Christ Loves)
- Virtues lead to a happy life.
- The conscience must be formed in light of truth.
- The Old Law was fulfilled by Christ, who revealed the deeper implications of the 10 Commandments.
- God’s power is at its height when he forgives sin.
Unit 6: Called to build up a Virtuous Society (Catholic Social Teaching)
- Made in the image and likeness of God, every man and woman is created with an inherent dignity.
- All men and women are made for communion.
- All men and women have a right and responsibility to the common good.
Unit 7: Called to Continual Conversion - The Heart of the New Evangelization
- Salvation comes from the Church.
- Conversion is a lifelong process.
- By sinning, one can fall out of the state of grace.
- Through our suffering we can participate in the redemptive action of Christ’s own passion.
- Suffering and death are the just result of original sin.
Unit 8: Called to Build up the Kingdom of God
- The Church is missionary by her nature.
Next class begins February 2025
In Person Centers:
- St Lawrence, North Highlands Calendar
- St John Vianney, Rancho Cordova Calendar
- St Therese, Auburn Calendar
Online Center
- Online Cohort Calendar
Registration is now open. Cost is $160, or $20 per month
Go to: https://catholic.formstack.com/forms/catechetical_foundations
Are you a Pastor, Parochial Vicar, DRE/CRE, or Parish Catechetical Leader and would like a formation center in your parish? Please go to: