How to Report a Formal Complaint
If anyone has witnessed, or has reason to believe, or might suspect, there is or has been abuse involving clergy, employees or volunteers at any of our Catholic schools, parish religious education programs or other church-related events, those suspicions or allegations are to be reported first to civil authorities (law enforcement, child protective services, or adult protective services) and then to the Diocese via the toll-free line at 866-777-9133. You may also reach the Pastoral Care Coordinator at 916-733-0142. Reports can be made in English and Spanish.
Pastoral Outreach and Victim Assistance
The Diocese of Sacramento is committed to pastoral care that heals the heart through counseling and spiritual assistance.
The Diocese of Sacramento provides a pastoral care coordinator to assist persons who have suffered sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy and other Catholic Church workers. The Pastoral Care Coordinator may be reached through a toll-free number at 866-777-9133. Staff is available to take reports in English and Spanish. If you are seeking assistance in coping with this tragic situation, please call the toll-free number.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care may include counseling, spiritual direction and other assistance that may be necessary to facilitate healing. It is available as needed and may be arranged by contacting the toll-free line at 866-777-9133.