
Please prayerfully consider supporting the ministries and mission of the Diocese of Sacramento. Below is a selection of Bishop Soto's priority initiatives. Your generosity is most appreciated.

Annual Catholic Appeal

Our Annual Catholic Appeal is solely dedicated to the Social Mission of the Church. Through the Appeal, we can all respond to our shared calling to bring the love of Christ to our sisters and brothers in need. Together as Catholics, our gifts help sustain our Catholic social service agencies – and our own parishes – so they can continue their dedicated service to others here in Northern California.

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Catholic Charities Refugee Fund

Through the Catholic Charities Refugee Fund, we invite you to share together as brothers and sisters and partner with us in our mission to care for vulnerable refugee and migrants in need of hospitality and compassionate care.  Migrants and refugees have suffered great loss and need assistance starting over in a new country.  Your support helps accomplish the tremendous task of giving hope to those suffering and seeking hospitality in our communities.

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Diocese of Sacramento Fire Assistance Fund

In light of the Northern California fires that have devastated various parts of our Diocese, Bishop Jaime Soto has asked the faithful of the Diocese of Sacramento to remember in their prayers all those affected, especially the firefighters and emergency personnel, as well as residents who have been displaced, lost their residences or evacuated. Please keep all those communities affected by fires in your prayers and pray for those suffering loss during these catastrophic events.

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USCCB-Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund

The USCCB-Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund helps individuals, communities, and Catholic entities harmed by natural and other disasters.

Your contribution will support the efforts of Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, and medical care, and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts. Donations also provide funding for grants to impacted dioceses for pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church.

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Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe

The USCCB Church in Central and Eastern Europe program funds projects in 28 countries to build the pastoral capacity of the Church and to rebuild and restore the faith in these countries after decades of communist oppression. It is providing urgent funding to Ukraine and to other countries responding to the impact of the war.

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Support Your Parish

Bishop Jaime Soto has asked the faithful to remember in their prayers all those afflicted by COVID-19, their families, and all caregivers. We are also reminded that our parish communities rely on continued weekly offertory to support their daily ministry. During this challenging time in the life of the Church, please consider supporting your parish with a one-time or automatically-recurring online donation.

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Support Your School

The spread of the Coronavirus has created economic uncertainty and distress for many of our Catholic School families. Bishop Jaime Soto has asked the faithful of the Diocese of Sacramento to remember in their prayers all those afflicted by COVID-19, their families, and all caregivers. We are also reminded that our school communities are reliant on your continued generosity. During this challenging time in the life of the Church, please consider an online gift to your local school.

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Ivan Castellanos Memorial Fund

The Ivan Castellanos Memorial Fund is in honor of 8-year-old Ivan, a Catholic school student, who passed away after a courageous struggle with a cancerous brain tumor in January of 2021. The fund will be used to pay tuition for any student attending a Catholic elementary school in the Diocese of Sacramento who has been diagnosed with cancer.

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Diocesan Collection for Priest Retirement

This is an opportunity for parishioners to thank our faithful and dedicated priests for their long and loving service to the Diocese. Please consider making a donation.

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Catholic Communication Campaign

The Catholic Communication Campaign connects people to Christ and builds Catholic communities in the United States and around the world using the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half the funds collected remain here in the Diocese of Sacramento to support local efforts. Be a part of this campaign to spread the Gospel message.

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Catholic Home Missions Appeal

Over 40% of dioceses in the United States and its territories are considered mission territories, because they are unable to fund essential pastoral activities needed in their communities. Your support of the Catholic Home Missions Appeal funds religious education, seminary formation, lay ministry training, and other programs that build vibrant faith communities right here in the United States.

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Retirement Fund for Religious

In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have dedicated themselves to service and acts of mercy. Today, they pray for an aching world. Yet years of serving for little or no pay have left their religious communities without enough retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide medications, nursing care, and other necessities.

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Catholic Campaign for Human Development

In the United States, one in six people lives in poverty. With this collection, you support programs that address the causes of poverty and provide a sustainable future for those struggling across the country. In addition, 25% of the funds we collect will remain in our diocese to fund local antipoverty projects.

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World Mission Sunday

On World Mission Sunday, we are called to personal encounter with Jesus Christ alive in the Church, and to offer, through this Eucharistic celebration, our prayers and our generous financial support, through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, to continue the mission of Jesus. Today we are “sent” out to witness to Mission in the world through our prayers and personal sacrifices for our brothers and sisters around the world.

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Peter's Pence Collection

The Peter’s Pence Collection is a worldwide collection that supports the activities of the Holy See through which Pope Francis governs the Church and exercises his charitable works. When used for charitable outreach, funds from this collection help those most in need. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a sign of mercy.

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Collection for the Church in Latin America

Many people in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have access to church programs and ministries because of a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers. Your generosity makes it possible for our brothers and sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean to share in the life of the Church and grow closer to Christ. Please be generous to the special collection!

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Catholic Herald Magazine

Catholic Herald, published six times each year, is a critical component of our evangelization, communication and spiritual formation efforts in the Diocese of Sacramento. Your generous support has made this publication possible. Please consider donating to the Catholic Herald to offer your support for this effective evangelization tool.

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Support Our Students - Newman Catholic Centers and College Ministry

The Newman Catholic Center empowers college students to form authentic Christian community, celebrate the diverse expression of their Catholic faith, and discern their vocations as disciples of Jesus for the Church and the world. Your generosity supports the formation of college students during a crucial stage of their spiritual journey as they continue to seek and grow closer to Christ.

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Support Camp Pendola

Going away to camp is an experience every child deserves. And there's nothing quite like watching a child’s face light up with the joy of discovering new friends, the pride of accomplishment, and the wonder and awe of seeing God in nature. Unplugged from the constant buzz of computers, television, video games, and cell phones, children find themselves at camp — making genuine connections with other children, rediscovering the fun in physical fitness, learning their own strengths, and finding their own voices. These are the gifts camp gives, and your charitable contribution to Camp Pendola helps ensure that all children who want to spread their wings and soar at Camp Pendola will have that opportunity.

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Giving to Vocations


The Christian faithful have an obligation to foster vocations to the priesthood and the religious life by living faithfully the call to holiness, by holding vocations to the priesthood and the religious life in esteem, and by encouraging young men and women to consider the possibility of a call from God to the ordained or consecrated states. Your gift helps to offset the rising cost of education for seminarians currently in formation to serve as priests in our diocese.

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Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry of the Diocese of Sacramento

Support Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry of the Diocese of Sacramento

The HIV/AIDS Ministry of the Diocese of Sacramento responds to the spiritual and corporal needs of men, women, and children who are affected by HIV/AIDS. All monies go directly to assist with the basic living needs, including: food, clothing, medicines, and shelter.

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The Catholic Relief Services Collection

This collection provides funding for Catholic Relief Services, the USCCB Office's of International Justice and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, and Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, relief work of the Holy Father, and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network.

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Working to Reduce Poverty in America - Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities USA supports a national network of agencies committed to encountering those along the margins, regardless of their faith. Join us in providing help and creating hope for those in need. Your contribution will support the efforts of Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, and medical care, and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts. Donations also provide funding for grants to impacted dioceses for pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church.

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How to Make a Donation

To speak to someone directly about making a donation, contact The Catholic Foundation at 916-733-0266, or send your gift to The Catholic Foundation and specify your designation:

The Catholic Foundation
2110 Broadway
Sacramento, CA 95818

Donating to Parishes and Schools

To donate directly to a parish or school, use our Parish Finder or School Finder for contact information.