Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide opportunities for our Deaf brothers and sisters to fully participate as members of our Catholic faith community - encountering Christ in worship, Faith Formation, and fellowship.
We offer:
- ASL Interpreted Mass and Mass Celebrated in ASL
- Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) in ASL
- Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Marriage
- RCIA for those desiring to become members of the Catholic Church
- Liturgical ASL Interpreter training
- Fellowship Opportunities and Retreats
Join us for the Lent 2024 Deaf Ministry Retreat - Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024
Mass and Confessions: 9 a.m. at St. Anthony Church, 660 Florin Road, Sacramento
Home visits throughout the day—contact Father Paul Zirimenya to schedule (628-400-3436 or zirimenya@gmail.com)
Sacramental Preparation for the Deaf
A few years ago, the National Catholic Office for the Deaf (ncod.org/), produced a video series for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Strengthened in Faith: Confirmation, which included the stories of the saints told by Deaf performers, voiced and captioned so all can learn from these stories. These stories are wonderful ways for adults and young people to learn and be inspired by the lives of the saints. We are making them available now online during this time of “at home” learning and working.
ASL App https://theaslapp.com/download
ASL at home https://aslathome.org/
National Catholic Office for the Deaf https://www.ncod.org/
NCPD https://ncpd.org/
https://ncpd.org/disability-ministry/deafness-hearing-loss -
ASL Prayers https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB99B7CDE2AE9FB2B
Deaf Ministry Committee
Peggy Walrath
Deacon Kevin Staszkow
Fr. Paul Zirimenya
Contact us at: deafministry@scd.org or come find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/scddeaf/